NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell wants to have 16 international games a season and expand the regular season from 17 games to 18 games within the next 5 years. He says when they move to 18 games, the current 3 preseason game schedule will drop to two preseason games. Now of course there will be some pushback from the players union, because of adding an additional game. An 18 game schedule also gives another week to having more injuries and more backups playing in games. But in the end it will happen because of all the extra revenue, the 16 international games and the 18 game schedule will bring into the league. I know there are people who wanted it to stay at 16 games and now with 17 don’t want anymore. But I’m not one of those people. The NFL is great entertainment and it seems to go by so fast. I mean it feels like the season just started and it’s already more than half over. I’m all for it. The more games the better. That’s why I also like the new college football playoff format. Instead of 3 playoffs games in college now there will be 11. The players may complain for a while and there may be some back and forth with the owners, but eventually there will be 18 games. I can’t wait. For those of you who think it’s too much, I guess you will just have to get used to it over time.