ESPN and Major League Baseball are ending their broadcast deal after this season. For you baseball fans out there this is great news and it’s about time. When ESPN first started covering baseball they were all in and had tons of game and even Baseball Tonight every day to watch for recaps of all the games. But lately the have been abandoning ship for the Football and Basketball sides of their coverage. They haven’t had a recap show for baseball in 8 years and now are down to just 30 games a year on Sunday night. Oh and to make matters worse, most of those Sunday night games are the same teams: Yankees, Mets, Cubs, Dodgers, Red Sox. I don’t think the Guardians have been on ESPN more than 2 times in the last 5 or 6 years. It was time for a change. MLB has been slowly fading in America and they need to make changes to stop some of the leaking oil that the league has had for several years. This is a good start. There has to be a better way to show games to the country than what ESPN has done lately. I’m glad this is ESPN’s last year. Not many of us will miss it because most of us quit tuning in to that channel for baseball a long time ago.